[BIO Logo] The British Informatics Olympiad is
the computing competition for schools and colleges.
We are proud to present BIO 2009, sponsored by Lionhead Studios.
Sponsored by Lionhead Studios
The 2009 British Informatics Olympiad

November, 2008

The British Informatics Olympiad (BIO) is an annual competition in computer programming for secondary schools and sixth form colleges. This year's competition is due to begin soon and we would like to give you advance notice, as well as the opportunity for early registration.

The BIO tests students' ability to solve problems against the clock and provides valuable experience as well as being enjoyable and challenging. It is open to all students who are under 19 and in full time pre-university education. Students do not need to be studying computer science to enter the competition; many of our top students in the past have been self-taught.

Entry into the competition is free thanks to the generous sponsorship of Lionhead Studios (widely regarded as the leading videogames developer in the UK, in an industry where the UK leads the world), and Trinity College, Cambridge.

The main part of the BIO is a three-hour paper, set and marked in school, with programming tasks (to be solved on any computer and in any language), supplemented by short written questions. We aim to set a paper that will allow those with a little programming experience to solve at least one question, whilst differentiating between the most able contestants. A detailed mark scheme will be provided to enable you to mark the papers rapidly while requiring no specialist knowledge.

The top 15 contestants will be invited to the final, which will be held at Trinity College at the end of March. The top four finalists will win an expenses-paid trip to Bulgaria in August, to represent Great Britain at the 2009 International Olympiad in Informatics.

If you want your school or college to enter this year, please fill in application form on our website, with an estimate of the number of students who might take part. The deadline for receipt of completed application forms is 16 December. If you register early, we will e-mail the BIO paper to you by 24 November. If you register after this date, the paper will be sent within three days of us receiving your entry.

You can hold the BIO any day from 24 November - 24 December 2008.

The closing deadline for the electronic return of marks, for students to be considered for the final, is 26 December.

Further information, including past/sample papers and mark schemes, can be found on our website: http://www.olympiad.org.uk. We have moved servers in the past year so it may be necessary to update old browser bookmarks. If you have any further enquires please do not hesitate to contact me directly, by email (Richard Forster) or telephone (07803 044741).

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Richard Forster, Director
British Informatics Olympiad

The 2009 British Informatics Olympiad