[BIO Logo] The British Informatics Olympiad is
the computing competition for schools and colleges.
We are proud to present BIO 2025.
The 2025 British Informatics Olympiad

Thank you for using our on-line form. Your details have been e-mailed to us; you will not receive any additional confirmation.

If your application meets our eligability requirements and you have provided the required contact details, you will be sent a copy of the exam paper paper on 3 December (for registrations received by 30 November) or within three days (after 30 November).

In previous years we have had several problems with school email servers deleting the paper and in some cases the accompanying email, without informing the intended receipient that this had been done. Please contact the organisers if you do not receive the paper.

See the links below for information about BIO 2025.

General information can be found through the BIO Index, including:


The British Informatics Olympiad