BIO 1995 Round One Marks Scheme

Conditions for pupils sitting Round One

The Round One problem should be taken in exam conditions by pupils who have successfully completed the BIO 1995 Sample Paper. The entry requirements for this competition are only that pupils be in full-time secondary education and be aged under 19 on 26 June 1993, but the BIO is prepared for students at VIth form or equivalent level. Pupils must also be UK passport holders to be eligible for a place on the team to represent Britain at the International Olympiad in Informatics.

The allowed time is 4 hours although this may be split into two 2 hour sessions provided papers and materials are kept secure and Question Two is only given at the start of the second session.

Students need to bring pens, a ruler and a calculator and you should provide paper, an appropriate computer and programming language. The solution to Question One should be typed on an IBM PC or compatible in Pascal, C or QBasic; Borland (Turbo) Pascal (version 6.0 or later) is very strongly recommended. Note that QBasic is supplied with MS-DOS version 5 or later.

The penultimate page of this document is a form which should be photocopied and used to enter pupils for the BIO. The last page is a cover sheet to be filled in by pupils before taking Round One. Closing dates are arrival by 19 April for entries to the 1995 BIO and by 29 April for scripts/cover sheets. Results will be sent out by about 13 May and the BIO Second Round, for the top students, is currently planned for Saturday 20 May.

Please try and arrange for the exam to be sat between 19 and 28 April 1995.

Pupils who achieve 50% or more of the marks for the BIO will be eligible for certificates. Those with between 50 and 69% need only have their cover/mark sheets sent in by 29 April; those with over 70% should also have their scripts sent, together with
* written answers to Question Two
* printout of solution to Question One
attached to the script cover sheet, and copies of all solutions (both source code and, if appropriate, executable file) from pupils at your school in clearly named subdirectories on a floppy disk. Rough working paper is not required.

Antony Rix
The British Informatics Olympiad
Christ's College

Marking Scheme

Each question has an associated marks scheme on the paper; these are duplicated below. It is hoped that marking the answers will not take too much of your time; furthermore, you do not have to have specific expertise in programming to be able to follow the marks scheme.

Question One should be marked straightaway on the computer it was written on, to prevent tampering. Please take a copy on disk of all program, source and data files produced as part of the solution before doing anything else - if you have many candidates to submit, these can all be entered on the same disk in clearly named subdirectories such as SMITH-J or ADAMS-F. When testing the program, you should use both the sample data given on the question sheet and that given below.

The marking scheme for Question Two given here has what we hope are sufficient details for you to mark the answers. Any case of ambiguity in the answers should be given zero marks and cases about which you are uncertain should be referred to the Secretary.

Note: additions were made to the Round One marks scheme in an additional document, so what is given here should not be regarded as complete. This is because other (better) solutions exist and were suggested by several candidates.

Question One

1.1 Required menu structure and exit message.     10
1.2 Correctly inputs and creates the key.
      If options 2 and 3 fail, marks may still
      be awarded if this can be shown, for
      example by an extra menu option.            10
1.3 Correctly reads in and filters messages to
      be coded.Output of what decoded message
      will look like is correct.                  10
1.4 Outputs correctly encoded messages.           15
1.5 Outputs correctly decoded messages.           15
1.6 All program output is correct (format
      included).  Only available if all
      requirements of question are fulfilled.     10

    Total marks available for Question 1          70

Marking Question One

Type in first the sample data given at the end of the question statement. Then proceed to try the data given below. If the program hangs, crashes or terminates with an error message, try once more and if the failure repeats itself, skip that test with zero marks. Full marks for a section are only to be awarded if all relevant parts pass; partial marks may be awarded where guidance is given below.

Additional Test Data

All lines of input typed at the keyboard must have no trailing spaces after the text and before the carriage return.
Choose a menu option:

1) Enter an encoding "key" string.
2) Encode a section of text using the current key.
3) Decode a section of text using the current key.
4) Exit the program.

Choice? 1
Enter a code key:

Press <enter> to continue...

Choose a menu option:

1) Enter an encoding "key" string.
2) Encode a section of text using the current key.
3) Decode a section of text using the current key.
4) Exit the program.

Choice? 2
Encode a message using the current key.
Enter Message (250 characters max) with # to finish.
Message is
Coded message is

Press <enter> to continue...

Choose a menu option:

1) Enter an encoding "key" string.
2) Encode a section of text using the current key.
3) Decode a section of text using the current key.
4) Exit the program.

Choice? 3
Decode a message using the current key.
Enter Message (250 characters max) with # to finish.
bmnswrppx mw.#
Decoded message is

Press <enter> to continue...

Choose a menu option:

1) Enter an encoding "key" string.
2) Encode a section of text using the current key.
3) Decode a section of text using the current key.
4) Exit the program.

Choice? 2
Encode a message using the current key.
Enter Message (250 characters max) with # to finish.
alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota\
 kappa lambda mu nu psi omicron pi rho sigma tau
upsilon phi chi omega are all letters of the Greek Alphabet.
Socrates was a man.  All men are mortal.  Socrates is
therefore, by a process of deduction, mortal.
Message is
Coded message is

Press <enter> to continue...

Choose a menu option:

1) Enter an encoding "key" string.
2) Encode a section of text using the current key.
3) Decode a section of text using the current key.
4) Exit the program.

Choice? 4
End of Additional Test Data

Marks by section

1.1 Full marks are to be given if the program presents a main menu with the structure shown, exits correctly and, under each menu option, at least prints a message saying what that option should do. Other menu items may be present and marks should not be deducted for this. Deductions of 3 marks per non-functional menu option.

1.2 Full marks are to be awarded for this if all of the problems from the additional test data are correctly encoded. Otherwise, full marks are to be given if the program has a menu option to show the key which should be, for the given inputs,
'I wandered lonely as a cloud' --> 'I WANDERLOYSCUBFGHJKMPQTVXZ,.'

Zero marks should be awarded if there is any discrepancy or if the key cannot be shown.

1.3 Full marks if the program correctly removes invalid characters and converts to upper case a message to be decoded. This should be shown from option 2 by using the examples in the question and given above. Deduct 5 marks if \ characters are misplaced or absent, 5 marks if filtering/upper case not done, and 5 marks if the # character is absent or misplaced, with a minimum of zero.

1.4 Full marks if encoded output exacly matches the sample data for encoding messages - make sure you've entered the correct key beforehand. Zero marks otherwise.

1.5 Full marks if decoded output exacly matches the sample data for decoding messages for the given keys. The last example in the paper, where the input has a single wrong character, is also to be included in the tests. Zero marks if failure with any one of the test messages.

1.6 Full marks are to be awarded if the program's output exacly corresponds with that given in the sample data, in particular the last example above where text of more than 250 characters is typed. No partial marks.

Question 2

Question 2.1 including explanation.      5
Question 2.2 - any suitable form.        5
Question 2.3 with good description of
  a valid technique.                     5
Question 2.4
  to within a few orders of magnitude
  and with justification.                5
Question 2.5                             5
Marks for clear handwriting and
  concise answers.                       5

Total marks available for Question 2     30

Marking Question Two

A sample answer and marks scheme for this are given below. The point of the question is not merely to solve magic squares but to appreciate the issues involved with
* backtracking exploration of solutions
* explosion of problem complexity as dimension increases

Marks Scheme

Note: additions were made to the Round One marks scheme in an additional document, so what is given here should not be regarded as complete. This is because other (better) solutions exist and were suggested by several candidates.

2.1 Are magic squares (as defined above) unique or not? Why?

Additive marking:
Not unique: +1 mark
Grids may be rotated and reflected to give 8 possibilities for same effective arrangement: +2 marks
Transposition, column and/or row swaps do not affect the sums and allow many different grids: +3 marks
Several possible arrangements of numbers will give non-equivalent magic squares: +3 marks
Example of two non-identical valid magic squares (please check): +1 mark
Addition of further constrains such as diagonals summing to same total may make the solutions effectively unique with only rotation/reflection possible, or may mean no solutions exist for a given n: +1 mark

Maximum for 2.1: 5 marks

2.2 Devise a data structure to represent the grid for up to n = 10.

Any data structure that can uniquely represent the grid is acceptable and gets 5 marks. This basically means arrays (either 2d or 1d with a mapping scheme) of integers or characters (including text strings) are acceptable. It is also possible to store a grid as an n2-digit base n number, although this is not feasible for n approaching 10 and this comment should be made for this answer to be accepted. Use of the term 'matrix' on its own will not suffice.

2.3 How would your program find magic squares?

There are three methods of investigating the problem, all of which are easier if an appropriate representation is chosen. Full marks should only be given for a method which clearly tries all valid possibilities and states when and how the constraint test of row and column sums is applied. Optimisation methods are the subject of question 2.5 and no extra marks should be awarded here. See the sample answer below for one method; a faster but more complex alternative uses queues to track which possibilities are being investigated. The other possible method is a mathematical approach based on permutations and is unlikely to be offered.

2.4 Give a rough estimate of how long your program is likely to take for different values of n, explaining what assumptions you make.

Estimation of how long the program should take is difficult: see the example below for the method used by one of the organisers. A solution that shows awareness of * rapid growth of number of possibilities as approximately (n2)! (factorial), * effect of optimisation on reducing this number, * the time taken by computing each case that is checked; * and quotes values within the following ranges

n    approx. time (PC)                       approx. time (Cray)
3    1 second - 1 hour                       < 1 second
4    1 month - 100 years(103 - 106 hours)    1 minute - 10 hours
5    over 100 years                          > 10 hours
> 5  not feasible                            expensive
should receive the full 5 marks. One mark should be deducted for each small mistake.

2.5 Are there any ways in which the algorithm you have chosen reduces the size of the problem? Suggest further ways of speeding up the search while still finding the correct solution.

Optimisation in this case can be termed as any method which applies the row and column sum constraint at any point earlier than the final grid (when all numbers have been placed) - that is, examines less than (n2)! grids. Any intelligent answer which mentions both reducing the number of possibilities examined and reducing the time taken to examine each should get full marks. If an optimising method was described in part 2.3 it should be referred to here, otherwise one mark should be deducted; no deduction should be made if there is no form of optimisation given in 2.3. Partial marking is left to your discretion.

2.6 Marks for clear handwriting and concise answers.

These marks are to be awarded for legible handwriting (2 marks), brief answers (total question length less than or equal to 6 pages unless there is very detailed analysis) (2 marks) and use of diagrams and/or a clear computer-like language for describing the algorithm used (1 mark).

Sample Answer for Question Two

2.1 Are magic squares (as defined above) unique or not? Why?

The above definition does not give unique solutions: many magic squares may exist for each n >= 3. Each 'basic' magic square has seven equivalent permutations by reflection or rotation (a diagram can show this) of the n by n grid, multiplying the number of solutions by 8. Transposition is equivalent to a diagonal reflection. Columns and/or rows may be swapped freely while retaining the sums, giving a large number of "equivalent" solutions.

Furthermore, several possible non-equivalent solutions exist where different arrangements of numbers can still fulfil the row and column summation conditions.

2.2 Devise a data structure to represent the grid for up to n = 10.

A suitable data structure that can be used for n <= 10 is
grid_type = array[1..10, 1..10] of integer;
where only the first 1..n by 1..n elements are used.

2.3 How would your program find magic squares?

To find all possible magic squares - including equivalent ones that are reflections/rotations of squares already found - a suitable algorithm is a backtracking method which places numbers in order in all possible combinations in the grid, rejecting those permutations which have invalid solutions.

A good method (see 2.5) of detecting these is to detect invalid solutions when each element is placed. This is done by starting with placing n2 and working down to 1, checking that each row or column that is added to is less than or equal to the total. Unallocated squares count as zeros so this does not reject valid solutions. This is coded by a recursive procedure

procedure Place(p: integer; grid: grid_type);
var i,j: integer;
    newgrid: grid_type;
  if p = 0 then
    { try to place p in all possible places }
    for i := 1 to n do for j := 1 to n do if Free(i, j, grid) then
      newgrid := grid;
      newgrid[i,j] := p;
      if (RowSum(i, newgrid) <= LineSum) or (ColSum(j, newgrid) <= LineSum) then
        Place(p - 1, newgrid);
where Free returns true if the given location is empty, which is marked by starting with all zeros. RowSum and ColSum return the appropriate sums. This procedure is called with
  Place(n*n, emptygrid);
and calls Output_Solution whenever a magic square is found.

2.4 Give a rough estimate of how long your program is likely to take for different values of n, explaining what assumptions you make.

It is hard to investigate the precise consequences of the short-cut constraint used here, so we will consider a worst case where all possible permutations are produced. There are thus (n2)! (factorial) solutions to be tested. Assuming each takes 1ms to test, that gives 6 minutes for n = 3, 500 years for n = 4 and 1014 years for n = 5, if all possible solutions are to be found.

In practice, it may be possible to find a solution (of which there may be many) in much less time: the example in the question has 16 and 15 in the first squares, reducing the search by a factor of 240. This is not, however, exhaustive.

Optimisation such as the constraint described can have the effect of reducing the size of the search tree, perhaps by a couple of orders of magnitude, by cutting most of the searching when low-valued numbers are being placed. Thus my estimates for the program time to find all solutions on a PC are 10 seconds for n = 3, a year for n = 4 and, using a Cray, perhaps one month for n = 5. n = 6 is simply enormous.

2.5 Are there any ways in which the algorithm you have chosen reduces the size of the problem? Suggest further ways of speeding up the search while still finding the correct solution.

The optimisation described in 2.3 cuts the problem size by rejecting impossible grids relatively early on in the search and hence reducing the average search depth. It can itself be improved by using a closer estimate of the values of the blank squares: 1 would do; 1 + 2 + .. + m for m blanks would be even better, while still not throwing away valid solutions. The closer this model is taken, the greater the computing expense, and the extra computational effort required to implement the optimisation must be balanced with the saving it produces.

It is also possible to cut the number of solutions by a factor of eight by detecting or avoiding equivalent grids. In practice, this is quite complex to do, but the saving is very significant.

The other way to reduce the calculation time is to cut the processing time per grid. This can be done by using a more powerful processor, or by optimising the algorithm to use fewer or faster machine instructions. For instance, (as in 2.3) copying a 100-element array each time for a 4 by 4 grid is not necessary and slows the program down. Thus many more orders of magnitude less search time can be achieved.

Entry of Students for the 1995 British Informatics Olympiad  -  to arrive by 19 April

Name of teacher:






Students to be entered for the 1995 BIO - continue on a second sheet if necessary.

Name	Sex m/f	Date of Birth	Year in School	Predicted Grades


Send to:
British Informatics Olympiad,
Antony Rix
Christ's College
Cambridge CB2 3BU

1995 British Informatics Olympiad  -  Round One  -  Script Cover Sheet

To be filled in by the student - please write clearly

Name: ___________________________________		Date exam taken: ________________

Programming Language Used: ____________________________ (state computer type if not a PC)

Solution to Question One is in a file named: ____________________________________________

You should place all your program code in one file and, if appropriate, also produce a compiled executable file.

To be filled in by the teacher

Question One

Part:	1.1 (10)	1.2 (10)	1.3 (10)	1.4 (15)	1.5 (15)	1.6 (10)	Q1 Total (70)

Question Two

Part:	2.1 (5)	2.2 (5)	2.3 (5)	2.4 (5)	2.5 (5)	2.6 (5)	Q2 Total (30)

Total Mark for BIO 1995 Round One: _________ (100)		Script attached: Yes / No

Name: ___________________________________  Signed: _______________________________

School and address: _______________________________________________________________


Send to:
British Informatics Olympiad,
Antony Rix
Christ's College
Cambridge CB2 3BU

Antony Rix
(see contact details from home page)