Example program solving BIO'98 Round One Question 2

Your Browser seems to have no Java support. Please get a new browser or enable Java to see this applet! To see this solution, you need a browser that is able to run Java applets. Alternatively, follow the instructions at the end of this page for how to run the program outside your browser.

To run the program:

  1. Click on the 'Start BIO98R1Q2App' button. The program is now running.
  2. Click inside the text window to activate keyboard input to the program.
  3. Type in your input as required by the program.
  4. To re-run the program click on the button to 'Stop' the program, then click 'Start' again.
As specified in question 2(a), the application first asks you to type in the locations of the pigs and farmer. After this moves are made by entering
T n
to specify n trees,
M n
to make n moves. To display an example solution to 2(c), type 0 0 for the location of the pigs.

BIO'98 Round One
BIO'99 Sample paper

Running the program with Java outside a browser

If you have a Java runtime interpreter installed on your computer, you can run the program without using a browser. You need to download the files BIO98R1Q2App.class and AppletConsoleApp.class to your computer. In the directory containing these files, execute the application BIO98R1Q2App.class with the command
java BIO98R1Q2App.class
substituting the name of your Java runtime interpreter for java. Alternatively, follow the instructions given in your Java documentation.

Obtaining a Java runtime interpreter

Free Java runtime interpreters are available for most major computer systems. See Sun's Java website for details (look for 'Java Runtime Environment').

Solution copyright (c) 1998 The British Informatics Olympiad (BIO).

This program may be freely copied by persons or organisations involved in the British Informatics Olympiad or the International Olympiad in Informatics, on condition that no changes are made and this notice is not altered. Distribution for profit is forbidden unless permission is first obtained in writing from the BIO.

This program is for educational purposes only and comes with no warranty, implied or otherwise, as to its fitness for any purpose.

Author: Antony Rix
Internet: http://www.christs.cam.ac.uk/bio/
E-mail: (see contact details from home page)
The British Informatics Olympiad
Christ's College
Cambridge CB2 3BU
United Kingdom

The British Informatics Olympiad